Are there any studies that have been done into HP?
There are many studies confirming the effectiveness of HP. A growing number of these can be found right on this website, . These studies have been going on for more than 200 years. Homeoprophylaxis is a very well-studied approach for immunisation.
What side effects can I expect from HP?
Homeoprophylaxis generally produces no “side effects”. However, do keep in mind that there can be the occasional occurrence of mild symptoms that are connected to the disease itself. Keep in mind that this is actually a very good thing. It shows that the body is actually recognizing the energies that are being introduced to it, and is responding appropriately.
For example, if the nosode for Pertussis (whooping cough) is administered, a small cough may develop.
As a rule, if this happens as a result of the nosode, there are two things you will notice as well. 1 – This will be a very mild occurrence. And 2 – It will resolve itself within about 24 hours.
If this does happen, too, please be sure to make note of this in your HP Handbook, and let your HP supervisor know. What this represents is that HP is actually doing its job – and will be very good to be a part of the record for the use of HP in the United States.
If something happens that doesn’t follow this picture, please do let your supervisor know, and he/she can direct you further.
Just remain assured that HP is inherently safe medicine and is educating the immune system through its proper use.
Is it possible to contract any of diseases after the HP remedy is taken? – What are the likelihood and possible severity if contracted?
No method of immunization is 100% effective. There is always a risk of catching a disease. Diet, toxic exposure, and stress level all contribute to immunity. Receiving the energies, or the ‘frequency’ of a disease through HP lessens the likelihood of contracting this disease. In Dr. Golden’s study, with children who had been positively exposed to the diseases, HP proved an almost consistent 90% effectiveness rate.
If a disease is contracted after taking HP, it is typically much milder and short-lived. Because of the homeopathic nosodes, the body’s immune system is educated and, therefore, knows how to manage a disease more effectively. The system recognizes the disease on an energetic level. In the event of contracting any disease, please contact your healthcare provider.
Where is HP recognized as an immunisation option?
At this point in time, there is only one nation that has official governmental recognition that HP is an effective alternative for immunisation. This nation is India, where homeopathy is already very widely used – 100 million people there use homeopathy exclusively. Because HP is being used very effectively there, it is becoming more widely recognized. This is one of the reasons HPWWC puts together its international conferences – to help even more people learn of how effective HP is.
Will my child’s school accept HP in place of vaccination?
HP is not yet recognized on an “official” level. We, through HPWWC, are consulting with attorneys, working to bring HP to the level where it is recognized and utilized for the immunisation alternative that it is. Until then, please follow your state/province’s regulations, as far as declaring an exemption from vaccines. Your HP practitioner, through HPWWC, can provide you with a form to use for schools, daycares, camps, or even places of employment that state your child is or you personally are using homeoprophylaxis. It is your responsibility to be aware of your state’s exemption policy and comply with any regulations.